AGAMES May request a START Payment, and this payment not refundable , if project canceled by the customer (you) or any work progress has started. And can be returned to you If  Order canceled in same day, same time before any progress start (a cancellation fee may apply and extracted by AGAMES).

EXTRA CHARGE (On Cancellation) :

AGAMES may start processing your project immediately, and may buy, rent, hire, request, out sources to do & work at customers project, and that can cost AGAMES, so any Cancellation  may require cancellation fee ( extra charge to the customer.)

Customer Agreement to Work progress :

AGAMES may send to customer / project (owner or manager ) some of the work progress as a (SKETCHES , SNAPSHOTS , BETA / DEMO / PROTO-TYPES / FINAL VERSION) to inform OR confirm the work progress and the customer is agree to the progress if not replay in the same day (24 hour) and Agames can proceed to next step then. If customer NOT agree he MUST call AGames immediately to ask for changes  or ask for more info before Agames proceed of next designing step., And any fail to do so from the customer MAY ADD ADDITIONAL CHARGE TO THE CUSTOMER. AND WILL BE REQUESTED BY AGAMES BEFORE FINISH OR AFTER FINISH THE FINAL VERSION WORK. OR IN SPECIAL PAYMENT DATE.  

Payment progress :

Customer agree to pay to AGAMES a Start/Part/FULL Payment, before AGAMES start of processing customer’s work or any work steps. and customer must pay the full amount requested by AGAMES in the exact date. Delay more than 2- 15 days, may add extra charges, and suspend / cancel the work project without any refound to customer.

Bug & Modify Payment :

AGAMES may try to fix free any bugs in it’s work in the testing period ( 2 weeks testing  after sending final version) if Bug can be fixed free.

On Modification or BUG FIX request AGAMES may request additional charge from customer depend in the agreed work contract (SHORT / MULTI Update) and if AGAMES believe FIX have to be charged.

Customer agree to pay to AGAMES to Modify his project or change on it as an Additional charge decided by AGAMES.

***Please note : late pay may delay ,  add extra charges, or cancel the project without re found.